Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thanks for stopping by!

I've never had a blog before but it seems to be the thing to do these days. Since God is the one who told me to start a blog, I thought I should ask him what to name it. I had a lot of different names swirling aroung in my head but two words stood out more than the rest, ripples and WAVES.

God has been doing so much in my life these last 6 years, but most of my revelation has come in the last year. As I look back over my life experiences and choices I have made, I can put most things into the ripple category or the Wave category. Ripple means to flow with a light rise and fall and sometimes ripples can continue and have lasting impact on ourselves and those we love. Some revelations have a ripple effect and some revelations come in a wave! A wave is a disturbance on the surface, any surging or progressing movement, a swell, surge or rush. I have had so many Waves of Freedom these last few years and just as a wave can come along and consume us, I have been consumed by a God that loves me beyond comprehension.

Once a wave builds, it is extremely hard to get out of it's way as it pursues all that is in its path. I feel like God is pursuing me in this way as He is weeding out anything that might be in the way! I am quickly realizing that I don't want to get out of His way but want to embrace the wave of freedom that is washing over me.

What wave is trying to consume you right now and is it one you want to run from or one that you want to embrace? What is stopping you? God loves you and He is pursuing you like never before in this season!

Enjoying the ride

1 comment:

  1. Love you Stacey! Your transparency and love for God and His people come through loud and clear in your blog. I can't wait to see how God will continue to reveal Himself through you this summer!!
